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About The Treasurists

  • About us
  • 8 มิ.ย. 2563

Own a masterpiece from The Treasurists that unites ancient cultures and timeless elegance in every coin

About Us:

The Treasurists

The Treasurists is a brand under Quality Hub Co., Ltd., established to create enduring collectible coins that are certified as legal tender by various countries. The production quantity of these new coins is determined by agreements made with each government, making them highly valuable collectibles due to their recognition as official currency.

The Treasurists believe in the traditional method of coin minting, where molds are handcrafted to capture the intricate lines, low relief, and textures that no 3D system can replicate. This approach involves studying ancient knowledge and adapting it to current circumstances while incorporating modern technology. The result is a creation that embodies the artist's passion for art, making each piece rare and perfect for collectors.
